What is Depression?
Just like anxiety depression is also a natural reaction to stress and trauma. Depression is often described as continuous feelings of sadness, and hopelessness, that are paired with crying spells, loss of interest in activities, struggling to get out of bed etc. Think of depression as your nervous system shutting down as a way to conserve energy and avoid further distress.

Common Depression Feelings and Experiences
- Feeling sad or hopeless
- Not enjoying things you used to
- Easily irritated or frustrated
- Low motivation
- Low appetite
- Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
- Low energy or fatigue
- Thoughts of self-harm or suicide
Common Somatic Depression Experiences
- Head and body feeling heavy
- Numbness
- Crying
- Low blood flow
- Slow heart and breath
- Lack of sensation
- Body restlessness
Why Do We Experience Depression?
Depression just like all of our emotions provides us with information. Depression is often tied to the feeling of sadness. Sadness can tell us we need a connection to self, others, or purpose. Sadness can also tell us other things we may need like rest, sleep, to be done with something, take a break, attention, crying, friendship, community, physical touch, or ways of expression.
Finding Depression Relief
The Opposite of Depression is Release Not Happiness
We have to express our feelings otherwise they remain stuck in our bodies. We are often taught or naturally, as a survival skill will repress our emotions. When working with people who experience depression it can be hard to listen to your body’s cues and allow yourself to be vulnerable in getting the support you need. Exploring and expressing what you experience in your inner world can feel scary. Normalizing these experiences is essential to the expression and healing process.
Finding Depression Relief in Therapy
In therapy, we will work together at your own pace to explore and understand the way depression manifests for you and tailor somatic skills specific to your strengths and needs to help you find relief. Sadness is a normal human emotion and with the state of the world, depression can act as a protector and a way to conserve our energy. In therapy, we will learn how we can show depression self-compassion and support your body in a way that feels the best for you. Everyone deserves to express themselves and experience relief.