LGBTQIA+ Affirming Therapy

As a queer therapist serving the LGBTQ+ community is so important to me. Having a therapist with lived experience to whom I did not have to explain my queerness was a priority in my personal experience of seeking therapy. I struggled growing up navigating my sexuality, heteronormitivity, religious trauma, compulsory sexuality and gender identity. Our struggles no matter what they are should not have to be carried alone and we deserve to have representation when seeking professional help!

  • Inaccessible mental health and gender affirming care
  • Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation
  • Bullying
  • Experiencing homelessness and displacement
  • Violent assault, threats, harassment and mircoaggressions
  • Rejection from family or friends
  • Stigma and discrimination
  • Lack of safe spaces
  • Shame and Isolation

As queer people there are extra layers to our oppression and trauma that can lead to mental health struggles that feel isolating and overwhelming. We deserve to have the tools, spaces, and representation that celebrate who we are, encourage healthy relationships with one another, and foster healing within ourselves and our communities.

I provide a LGBTQIA+ affirming social justice perspective that encapsulates all of the messy and beautiful parts of being queer and our struggle in existing in a heteronormative, homophobic, transphobic, patriarchal, and misogynistic society. We will also address how the intersectionality of your different identities play a role in your mental health. I am also a nerd and love learning about queer history so be ready so some fun facts!

Learning from other queer individuals’ experiences and perspectives can be so validating and healing. I love listening to my communities stories because it helps me expand my understanding of my own story and relationship to my queerness. Below are some books that I recommend.

I would also suggest checking out Queer Liberation Library and sign up as a member to enjoy free queer audio and digital books!